Thursday, August 30, 2007

Extra $$ - Less Debt

So, starting this Friday, my pay will be approximately $200 more per 2 weeks. In Canada you pay the Federal Government towards Employment Insurance and a pension plan. It's deducted automatically from your paycheque. It's a % of your salary up to a maximum amount, per year. I've reached those maximums for both items. So, now I'll have this extra $$ per month until January. Of course, my intention is to put most of it towards our cc debt. Of course, with Christmas presents to be bought, etc. I know that some of it will go there.

It's always such a great feeling to get more money for not doing any more :) But then when January comes around and you see your bi-weekly paycheque go down again, it's a bit defeating. Until the next time it increases :)

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