Thursday, February 21, 2008

Do you watch every penny you spend?

I don’t. Except for the 3 or 4 months last summer that we tracked every penny that we spent, we are pretty easy going with our spending. I know that we waste a lot of money - especially when it comes to eating out. We both buy our lunches multiple times a week and we get take out or go out for dinner at least once a week. This isn’t cheap. And we basically buy what we want for groceries each week. I do keep an eye out for items on sale and use coupons when I can. But we buy expensive meats and treats and don’t bat an eye.

At the same time, I find that I can be cheap about things. I hate to pay full price for anything. I love a great deal. And I certainly don’t shop at expensive clothing or shoe stores unless I have to. But chasing sales can cause overspending too. If I see things on sale I think I should buy them. And then you end up spending more than you would have if the item(s) had not been on sale.

It’s all a constant struggle between trying to stay within a budget or at least spend less than you make and not living on bread and water. And when there are sales, do you buy for the future or wait until a particular event is approaching before you buy something?

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