Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Debt Reducer Tip

Since my husband and I have decided to record all of our expenses for the month it has caused me to second guess my purchases and not want to buy anything because then I'll have to record it. When you have to put it down on paper, it makes it real. If you use a cc or debit card, somehow it doesn't seem real. It's too easy to pull out plastic and forget about the purchase until the statement comes in the mail - and then it's like "Where did that come from?" "Who was using my cc?" :)

As a result of recording my spending, I know that I've spent less than I normally would have at this point in the month. I still had to pay a bunch of bills so they can't be avoided. But I've certainly reduced my eating out and trivial purchases. I can just feel it. Since I have only just started recording my purchases, I don't have quantitative evidence. But my gut tells me I'm right.

Anyway, I hope this tip helps you as well.

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